Did you know?... The average housefly weighs 10 to 15 millionths of a pound.
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Tiger Woods Swing In Slow Motion

Watch carefully.
Zoom Zoom Zoom

Zoom Zoom Crunch.
My Cubicle

How much do you want to bet he made this at work too?
One Picture Every Day For Three Years

A woman took one picture of herself every day for three years and didn't age a bit.
Speed Week Freak Out

The guy from Speed Week goes completely berzerk on television.
Smiley Face

Vandalism. Make it creative.
Quick E Mart

Not quick enough for this lady.
Propane Bottle Explosions

Now what would happen if you used those big ones that attach to your grill?
Priest Loses Pants

Well. If I'd have known it was going to be THAT kind of a wedding...
Political Debate Thrown Chair

I hope both of these guys run for President.
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