Did you know?... Bank robber John Dillinger played professional baseball.
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Fart On Tv

Why are farts so funny? I mean, I don't even understand what she's saying but this makes me laugh every time I see it.
Jason Outtakes

Want to see what happens when you let your kids eat lead paint chips?
Sailboat Vs Ferry

Note to self: Don't play chicken with a giant ferry boat.
F 16 Hits Bird And Crashes

An F16 hits a bird, causing engine failure and forcing the pilots to eject.
Friday Vs Monday

Going home from work on Friday vs going home from work on Monday.
Jet Pack

Oh man, do I want one of these things now.
Ufo Chase

Footage of a Russian fighter chasing a giant, cylindrical shaped UFO.
Real World Ikea

IrishWiley and a few of his friends create a Real World episode in an Ikea. Hilarity ensues.
Piranhas Eat Goldfish

If this doesn't gross you out, consider the fact that now I really want to know what goldfish taste like.
Call On Me Spoof

Funny isn't it? Before the Internet you'd have had a much harder time ruining your reputation. Now all it takes is a web cam and a few beers.
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