Did you know?... It is now possible to print human skin with an inkjet printer!
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Arnie In Brazil

Please God. Please let this man be the President of the United States one day. Please.
Funky Cats

It's the Meow Mix.
Semi Spinner Rims

18 wheels of bling!
Top 10 Unsportsmanlike Plays

Poor sportsmanship makes for the best clips.
Beatbox Bush And Dj Cheney

I think I'd watch more Presidential address speeches if they did this.
G Force Pilot Training

More pilots passing out from extreme G forces.
Angry German Kid Numa Numa Star Wars Remix

What's the problem? Doesn't everyone act like this?
Cease Fire

Yep. This is going to last. For about a week, tops.
9 Months Of Gestation In 20 Seconds

Time lapsed footage of a woman's pregnancy. This is pretty cool, but I wish she would have worn the same clothes for each picture.
Double Dare Question

I still think they were right. I've never met a cat with a sense of humor.
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