Did you know?... Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not only sweat by salivating. They also sweat through the poors on their feet.
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Portfolio Pampita

Carolina "Pampita" Ardohain. I'd write more but I have too much slobber on my keyboard.
Ties His Shoes With No Hands

This guy can ties his shoes without using his hands. Nice trick.
Smoking Pug

Next, a bulldog that smokes cigars.
Chug And Blow Diet Coke And Mentos

Another idiot trying to turn himself into a human Diet Coke and Mentos bomb.
Break Neck

Is this what they mean by 'driving at breakneck speed'?
Kevin Federline Care Bears

Funny thing is, the Care Bears song is much better than that crap he makes.
What Is Love

What could make a video of two hot girls lipsynching some song in their underwear any better? How about if one of them gets hurt while doing it?
Turkish Reporter Gets Hit By A Car

Say Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?
Thierry Henry

Thierry Henry, taking on all of Manchester United.
Relaxing Hot Tub

Maybe a little too relaxing.
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