Did you know?... It is possible to go blind from smoking too heavily.
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Jerry Springer Hooker Check

Note to self: Bring cash.
Japanese Poodle Fitness

Sad. She lost all that weight and she still looks like a dog.
Light Up Bar

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Probably not. I'm thinking about what it would look like if somebody threw up on it.

Jodi Foster is really starting to look old. And she's very upset for some reason.
Two Drunk Guys And A Stump

Professional stump removal. Just add alcohol.
Funhouse Skirt Blower

I see London, I see France. I see some one's underpants.
Gi Joe Ice

GI Joe Ice. Another oldie but a goodie.
Baby Panda Sneezes

A baby panda sneezes and scares the mother into extinction. Not really, but it does scare her a little.
Aussie Toilet Paper Ad

Wow. Those Australians are pretty tough. Or drunk. I can't tell.
Barrel Racing Accidents

A horse falling on you. More fun than a barrel of... something.
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