Did you know?... In 1987 American Airlines saved $40,000 by eliminating one olive from its First Class salads.
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Guy Gets Hit In The Face With A Tree Branch

This guy has wood.
Giant Hornets Vs Bees

30 giant hornets can completely destroy a honeybee colony and all 30,000 bees in three hours.
Drunk News

Now here's some news I can relate to.
8500 Bottle Rockets

Here's an idea for all those leftover fireworks from the 4th of July.
Crazy Screaming Girl

Religion is the opiate of the masses? I say not. Sometimes it's more like an amphetamine mixed with a hallucinogen.
911 Call Advice To Shoot

A 911 operator's poor attempt at humor.
Hey Ya Cover

Mat Weddle of Obadiah Parker.
Trampoline Accident Through Fence

After working for this website I think I can safely say I will never own a trampoline. Ever.
Soccer Fan Falls Through Roof

The thrill of victory. The agony of defeat.
Pat Staples His Lip

Why pat? Why?
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