Did you know?... When pitched, the average Major League baseball rotates 15 times before being hit.
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Cnn Reporter Leaves Microphone On

A CNN reporter goes to the bathroom while Bush is speaking and forgets to turn off her microphone.
Einstein Robot

Is it Einstein, or is this a G. Gordon Liddy robot?
End Womens Sufferage

I don't know if this one is the original or he ripped it off of the Man Show. All I really want to know is a technical word for "wearing a bra".
Headbutt Vs Kick To The Face

Here's how I know Zidane would be no good in a fight.
Lemonade Stand

Milk Milk, lemonade. Only they don't sell any milk.
Police Shoots Himself With Taser

A Dallas police officer accidentally shocks himself with his Taser.
Ultimate Drag Race Motorcycle Vs Car Vs Jet Plane

What would win in a drag race? A Porsche, a motorcycle, or a fighter jet?
Metro Subway Graffiti

This take a lot of guts. Or very little brains. One of those.
Golfer Falls Into Pool

I wonder if he made the shot.
Extreme Wheelchair Tricks

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