Did you know?... One percent of Greenland's population lives in a single apartment building!
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Drunk Gets Tasered

I say that if he would have just drank more he could have fought through the pain of the Taser. What a sissy.

I think it's pretty safe to say that he gets a big kick out of firing this gun.
Horn Connected To Brakes

Some guys borrow a friend's car and connect his horn to his brakes.
Bush State Of The Union Address

Wow, I didn't catch any of this the first time.
Taste Test Left Alone

Some people participate in a taste test but as soon as they're blindfolded, the testers pack up and leave them sitting there all alone. Hilarity ensues.
Christine Envall

Australia's most muscular woman.
Every Day

Noah Kalina's work in progress. He's taken one picture of himself every day since Jnuary 11, 2000.
Fireworks Factory Blows Up

The Guiness World Record for the most fireworks lit at one time... by accident.
Fly Hunter Steve Irwin

I just knew I was going to regret asking people to send these in.
Steve Irwin Remix

Here's the first Steve Irwin tribute we've received. That didn't take very long. If you can keep them tasteful, keep them coming.
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