Did you know?... Baskin Robbins once made ketchup ice cream.
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Cock Rings

It's sort of like Overstock .com. Have you heard about the Oh?
Roy Keane Tackle Alf Inge Haaland

He actually got suspended twice for this. Once for the foul and then again after admitting in his autobiography that it was deliberate.
Student Flips Out

Some idiot freaks out in the middle of class.
Fight Club

This is more like girly slapping club, but ok.
Landmark Building Implosion

The Landmark Tower demolition looked a lot like the WTC collapse.
Carmen Electra Dancing At A Club

I've always said, Carmen Electra could only be hotter if she was drunk and damn if I wasn't right.
Building The World Trade Center

The construction of the World Trade Center.
Gi Joe Computer

I don't get half of these, but they make me laugh all the same.
Talking Bird

This is creepy. This bird is just like a tape recorder.
Guy Peels A Raw Egg And Blows Up His Microwave

How do you peel a raw egg? That's all I want to know.
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