Did you know?... Bananas aren't fruit! They are a type of herb.
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Cheerleading Accident On Live Tv

What goes up, must come down.
Falls Asleep At The Wheel

This is why I wait til AFTER my shift as a cab driver to drink a bottle of cough syrup.
Between Trees

A helicopter pilot thinks he can make it between two trees. Guess what...
Pole Dancer Face Plant

Drinking and dancing don't mix.
Wedding Fart

Once it's offical, the game face comes right off.
Cockroach Vs Weatherman

It's ironic that it's called a "cock" roach. After watching this I get the impression that this weather man has some experience with that sort of thing.
Tinfoil Fireworks

Some guy covers himself in tinfoil and fireworks in an another attempt to prove Darwin right.
Iraq Boxing Knockout

I think the pavement hit him harder than the punch.
Drunk Girl Climbing

This is not Britney Spears. Although, how funny would that be?
Darth Vader Playing The Violin

Now here's something you don't see every day. Unfortunately.
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