Did you know?... Car accidents rise 10% during the first week of daylight savings time.
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Polka Power

Why is this man not the President of the United States by now? Answer me that?
Ball Boy Scores

A soccer game erupts in chaos after the ball boy kicks the ball into the goal and the referee gives it to them.
Slam Dunk Accident

Some guy jumps off a trampoline to dunk a basketball and ends up slamming himself.
Smart Car Vs Ferrari

The ultimate sleeper. Who would have ever thought that this thing was so fast?
Office Chair Racing

Something tells me you won't see this in the next Olympics and something else tells me that that's a real shame.
Crash Test Dummy Video

A bunch of crash tests shot with a high speed camera. Why do I find this sort of soothing to watch? I almost feel like Uncle Rico when he was getting his picture taken. Bizarre.
Bloodsport Mentos Commercial

Bloodsport meets Mentos. Hilarity ensues.
Sledding Disaster

I had no idea people could bend that way.
Motorcycle Jumps Airplane

Stunt junkies. Or crack junkies. One of those.
Big Screens Are Better

I don't get why after the second one, she wasn't getting stuffed out the window too.
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