Did you know?... A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night!
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Guy Rolls His Jeep

It almost looks like this is what he was trying to do.
World Record Dunk

World record slam dunk, using a trampoline.
Guy Jumps His Car Into A Pond

How much alcohol does it take to make THIS seem like a good idea?
Breakdancing Baby

The amazing, 25 month old, breakdancing baby.
Ronnie Coleman Lifts 800 Pounds

Ronnie Coleman has a squeeky voice just like Mike Tyson. I wouldn't tell him that to his face though.
Guy On Pcp Punches Through A Fence

Note to self: Don't smoke PCP. And if you do, wear pants.
Nice Body

In order to date girls who are this hot, do you need to be in really good shape too or do you just need to have a lot of money? I need to decide where to focus my energy. Seriously. *wipes slobber from chin*.
Ninja Turtle Kick

And you know this hurt really bad because, well... he's a ninja.
Cop Finds His Lawnmower

Here's an idea. If your neighbor is a cop, and you like to steal lawnmowers? Maybe leave his alone.
Cat Flushing The Toilet

I've heard of people training their cats to use the toilet. The ones who regret it are the ones who also teach them how to flush.
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